Company Profile:

DocRaptor is a cutting-edge technology firm specializing in document conversion services. As an industry leader in HTML-to-PDF and Excel conversion, DocRaptor stands out for its robust, easy-to-use API that allows users to create PDF and Excel documents from HTML code. The company is a part of the Expected Behavior product family, joining a suite of solutions designed to enhance productivity and streamline workflow processes..


Industry: SaaS

Size: 5+ employees

Elevating Technical Product Support: A DocRaptor and Level Up Success Story

Balancing Innovation with Customer Support.
Level Up’s Customized SDaaS for Technical Support.
Advanced HTML, Javascript, & CSS, Technical Support Outsourcing, SDaaS
Enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making in quality control processes.

The Challenge:

Expected Behavior, creators of DocRaptor, an advanced HTML-to-PDF API, faced a significant dilemma. As a technical product designed for developers, DocRaptor required a high level of customer support, including expert HTML & CSS assistance. This need was consuming an excessive amount of their internal development resources, diverting focus from product innovation and development.

Solution Overview:

To address this challenge, Expected Behavior explored several avenues before partnering with Level Up Development. The chosen solution was a customized SDaaS focused on technical support, which included:

  • Dedicated Technical Expertise: A team of specialists trained in DocRaptor’s technology to provide targeted support.
  • Scalable Support Infrastructure: An adaptable support system designed to grow with the product’s user base, ensuring all customer inquiries receive timely responses.

Benefits of the Solution:

This partnership introduced several key advantages:

  • Enhanced Technical Support: Customers received expert assistance, improving overall satisfaction with DocRaptor.
  • Resource Allocation: Freed up internal resources, allowing Expected Behavior to focus on innovation and development.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Streamlined support processes resulted in faster response times and resolution of customer inquiries.


“Choosing Level Up Development allowed us to not just maintain, but elevate the level of support we offer. Their dedication is evident in every customer interaction,” remarked a DocRaptor team leader.”

“The efficiency and expertise Level Up brings to our technical support have been instrumental in enhancing our product offering,” noted a senior developer at Expected Behavior.”

– Jonathon Fruchte, Chief Customer Officer


The collaboration between Expected Behavior and Level Up Development yielded tangible results:

  • Customer Support Metrics: 92% of support tickets were resolved by Level Up, significantly reducing the workload on DocRaptor’s internal team.
  • Churn Rate: Achieved an 11% reduction in customer churn, indicating higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Response Time: The median time to close support requests improved from 24 hours to just over 2 hours, setting a new standard in customer support responsiveness.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Saw a significant increase in customer satisfaction scores, reaching 90%.

The strategic partnership between Expected Behavior and Level Up Development showcases the transformative power of SDaaS in enhancing customer support operations. Through dedicated expertise and a scalable support model, Expected Behavior was able to not only solve its immediate challenge but also position DocRaptor for future growth and success. This case study serves as a testament to the benefits of leveraging external expertise to improve internal efficiencies and customer satisfaction.

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